Thursday, August 11, 2011

WCMA Blog: Moved and looking for more Bloggers!

In an Effort to Bring more news to the readers, whether it be political, astronomical, or personal everyday news from right in your own city, up to movie reviews and more, WCMA is reaching out to the readers looking for anyone interested in becoming a Blogger for "WCMA BLOG"..

If You are interested in bloggings about all things that "chap your ass", please fill out the submission form below. Please be sure to leave your Email address so that I can send the invite to become an Author. I will also send a personal Email welcoming you to WCMA once i have completed adding you. Be sure to add to your safe senders list.

Please Click here to go to WCMA Blog Located at to fill out submission Form

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wordpress Movement

Here in the near future, WCMA will be moving to! at the moment, all posts here are being syndicated to the new blog!.. Keep checking back for the move!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Anthony leaves jail for parts unknown

ORLANDO, Fla. — With the exception of a few moments when she walked out of jail early Sunday, Casey Anthony has not appeared in public as a free woman. Her whereabouts is a mystery.

Defense lawyer Jose Baez wanted to use Anthony's parents, George and Cindy Anthony, as a decoy during her release, their lawyer, Mark Lippman, told a television station.
 "And I, of course, did not agree with that, and neither did my clients," said Lippman, who did not elaborate on the decoy plans. "One, it was risky at best, and two, just in my opinion, something that would not be beneficial to anybody."

On Sunday, pastor Eddie DelValle led a Peace Walk for Caylee — sponsored by the New York-based nonprofit Bring Kids Home — from the memorial where Caylee Anthony's remains were found in December 2008 to the nearby Anthony home.

DelValle said the walk was conceived because many of those who visited the site were angry with Anthony's acquittal on charges of killing Caylee, her 2-year-old daughter.

"I wanted to put it all to a close today," DelValle said. "This is no longer about the case; this is about moving forward."

The walk was a stark contrast to the scene at the jail moments after midnight Saturday, where hundreds of people chanted "Killer!" and some ran after the SUV that carried Anthony away.

Anthony, 25, looked up and down and straight ahead but didn't show any emotion. She was led by Baez and had three police officers around her.

She has no restrictions on her freedom. It's not clear where she will go, but she is likely to have tight security. The lawyer representing her in a defamation case said he received seven threats against Anthony on Friday alone.

Her parents reportedly have said she will not be allowed in their home. Her defense team accused her father of molesting her and then covering up what they said was Caylee's accidental drowning death. He has denied both claims, and neither has been substantiated.

Anthony did not report her daughter missing for a month and was arrested after telling a string of lies — first to her parents and then to police. Caylee's remains were found about six months after she vanished.

A coroner could not determine the cause of death, which figured in Anthony's July 5 acquittal on murder charges. She was convicted of lying to investigators and sentenced to four years. With credit for the nearly three years she had spent in jail since August 2008, and for good behavior, she had only days remaining when she was sentenced July 7.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

For full Story and to leave comments, please click below

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My New Attempt

At this moment I am looking to Revamp WCMA with a new image..and find some more publishers to post to this blog.. Hopefully something will come of it soon..

until then, keep checking Back


Monday, July 19, 2010

WCMA - The Last Airbender

What to say about "The Last Airbender"...

What to say? ... What the fuck was you thinking M Night? Aside from the special effects, and locations, The movie in all honestly, sucked! I've heard of bad movies, but damn, this one takes the cake!

This movie is what you call a "build up"... throughout the whole thing, it builds up, and builds up, and for what? ... a disaster.. much like the millions of dollars spent on ads to advertise this movie.. the many commercials promoting it.. Yeah, the trailer looked fantastic! Just building up the audiance... UNTIL they see it. FAILURE! How does it feel to be the laughing stock of America? ...

M Night Shayamalan got lucky with "Sixth Sense", we gave him too much credit for that movie, and since then, been creating crap..
Read more reviews on "The Last Airbender @ Rotten Tomatoes!

The Last Airbender Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

Care to Weigh in on your thoughts about the movie! Comment below!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

WCMA is looking for more Authors!

How would you like to join the WCMA Blog board?  WCMA is looking for more people to help spread the news and thoughts at is on everyones mind! What really got you ticked? Anything been grinding your gears lately?  Want to get it off your chest and out into the open on a place where no one is going to retaliate?    Then why not join?  The more WCMA posters we have, the better! But, don't forget to share this blog with all your friends, or share it on popular websites such as Myspace, Facebook, Bebo and more!
Just a few things I will need...
  • Your Name
  • Email address (so I can send you an invite to join the blog as an author)
  • Give me an example (short paragraph) of what's chapping your ass!
And that's it! I will get back with you within 1 business day with approval! 

Thursday, July 15, 2010

What Chaps My Ass - Bad Parenting

This subject was something that was brought up on a status message on Facebook. 
Being a parent myself, I can fully understand the situation.
Kids these days get away with too much shit, and its quite pathetic. 
But its not "ALL" the kids fault.  The sole problem, is the parent.  

Most parents these days, are not "corporal" enough.  It all has to do with the
new laws (in most states) that protect children from being publicly spanked,
or being spanked at home.  Kids have gotten away with being able to go to school
and telling their teacher, or someone that they get "beaten" at home.  Even more so
when they are mad at their parents, They know they can pull out the "beaten card"
as a form of retaliation to their parents.  but here is how that situation started.....

Teachers. Yes, you heard it, I said teachers, and school counselors, and principals.
Granted, some kids do get beat, and have every right to want to put their parents away for
child neglect and pain that could lead to mental instability and so forth.  But just because 
kids are getting rudely beaten at home doesn't mean Every kid who occasionally gets a spanking
because they are being bad  needs to be turned in to child services for investigation.

Parents, listen up. Learn your laws, Read them, understand them.  Get every little detail locked
inside your mind, so you have something to back you up when your child decides to be a snitch
and tell everyone you have been beating them.  Understand them, so you know how to spank their
butt correctly, but not put them through a wall.  you "CAN" spank a child and not leave a bruise. IT IS possible.  A little advice, extension chords, studded belts, rope, twig, and any blunt objects are grounds your child to light your ass right back up with child service.. Please be advised.

Teachers, Get your head out of the clouds and quit thinking there is neglect in every childs home.  Do a little research if you have to before you go calling child services..

Non-Parents/parents who let their kids run over them: who just so happen to be out in public, doing shopping, browsing, walking in the park, or doing what
ever it is that you do.... If you see someone lift their child up and give them a little swat on the ass because their child is acting like a heathen or not doing what they are asked, don't go getting all up in their face and telling them "that's not right, you can't do that"..  or.."that's child abuse".... STFU.  Until you grow a set of balls and learn to take care of  your own children,  (or even have children), Don't tell the rest of us how to raise ours..

90% of the worlds leaders, whether they be, govenors, state senates, prime meridian, or even the president, has had their ass beaten like a little red headed step child, when they were growing up.  Now look where they are... punishments did make some adjustments to their future... right?